Midjourney Set Up: Instructions So Easy Even Your Granny Can Do It

Maryrose Lyons
July 3, 2024

I'm not going to lie: getting set up on Midjourney can feel overwhelming.

If you felt like just giving up, you wouldn't be the first!

But persevere as it's worth it.

Of all the generative AI tools out there, Midjourney seems to be the hardest to access.

Just figuring out how to sign up via Discord, create your own safe space, and start generating images takes way more steps than it should.

That is why we have created the easiest step-by-step guide to walk you through the entire Midjourney via Discord setup process. This is a guide so easy to follow even your granny can do it!
Actually tested on live grannies. 👵🏻

We'll hold your hand through every step, from creating your account to generating your very first image. No tech skills or prior AI experience required!

Click here and you'll be transported to a step-by-step set of instructions and screenshots that will have you set up for Midjourney in no time.

Note that you have to pay for Midjourney. There is no freemium model. But trust us when we say, it's the best $10 you will ever spend. Give it a whirl. Compare your prompts across all the image creator tools and you will see the superior quality and awesome creativeness afforded by Midjourney.

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