Discover Why Our Founder Loves Ai

Maryrose Lyons
June 18, 2024

I've always been an early adopter.

From the early days of going to use the internet in Cyberia, London’s first Internet Cafe to the time I invented the title of “Internet Marketer” having worked on a banking website as a marketer! I dabbled with early Ai tools - Jarvis and - but they just weren't there yet. Then ChatGPT came along, and everything changed!

We are living in the beginning of a new paradigm that will affect work, life, and humanity in a very profound way. I believe this technology, if guided ethically, can help unlock human potential on a global scale. I have hope that our leaders will respond thoughtfully to steer these rapid advancements toward human benefit.

One of the things I love is that the model of ChatGPT4 that you are using is exactly the same as that of a Wall Street hedge fund manager, a senior infants teacher trying to liven up a lesson plan, or a maths genius living in Bangalore. At the moment, it’s a great equaliser, allowing everyone to enhance their work.

I've been providing courses for marketers since 2001.

At the beginning of 2023, I took a look at my marketing course and took great pleasure in removing the items that marketers no longer need to do thanks to ChatGPT. I worked out the best way to use ChatGPT and other tools, using prompts I constructed myself and testing myself against the machine, measuring everything and realising that the way marketers need to work now is fundamentally changed. I went deep on learning everything I could on features of all the tools and how best to integrate them into a typical marketing workflow. I share everything in my Ai for Marketing course which first I launched in 2023.

  • The first ChatGPT for Marketing course in March 2023 sold out.
  • I brought a second one in April 2023 and that sold out too.
  • Continuously evolving, in 2023 I delivered a total of 46 courses to marketers, business owners, self employed people, lawyers, accountants, and Ai curious.

I'm happy to say that everyone who has taken my course has changed the way they work.

I have concluded that Ai Literacy is vital now. Not just for marketers, but for everyone.

That is why I have launched the Ai Institute - to make quality Ai education inclusive and accessible for everyone.

Our programmes are for everyone from leaders, IT, to creative professionals, with ethics at the core.
We aim to nurture curiosity and empower learners to innovate responsibly. We aspire to become a leading global institution, renowned for accessible and high-quality AI education content, promoting responsible Ai innovation and fostering a diverse community of lifelong learners.

I trust you find something of interest in our course offerings. If you have ideas for future courses you would like us to create, please get in touch and let us know.

Ai for Marketing Course

Ai for Beginners

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